Common PT Conditions

At Revolution PT, your well-being takes center stage. Our comprehensive initial evaluations span 60 minutes, ensuring thorough attention to every detail of your physical health journey. Follow-up treatment sessions offer personalized one-on-one sessions with our elite physical therapists, tailored specifically to your needs and goals. Whether you are seeking the root cause of your injury or physical limitation or looking to get back to peak performance, we will help you achieve your goals.

Common Physical Therapy Conditions Treated

Enhancing Overall Wellness

At Revolution PT, you’re not just a patient but an integral part of a supportive community dedicated to enhancing your overall wellness. Rest assured, you’re in the hands of experts who prioritize your health and are committed to guiding you toward your best self. We collaborate not just with medical doctors but also with a diverse network of esteemed health and wellness professionals, from yoga and pilates instructors to skilled massage therapists, acupuncturists, and nutritionists. It’s about crafting a holistic approach that rehabilitates and revitalizes your body, mind, and spirit.

Girl in Running Position - Revolution Physical Therapy

Conditions We Treat

Arthritis, muscle strain, muscle spasm, ligament sprain, rib dysfunction, TMJ (temporomandibular joint) dysfunction, along with orthopedic conditions (related to neck, shoulder, elbow, hand, wrist, hip, knee, foot, ankle, etc.) such as rotator cuff injuries, joint tendonitis, joint bursitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, golfer’s/tennis elbow, ankle sprains, etc.

Post-surgical/postoperative rehabilitation after joint replacements, muscle and tendon repairs (I.e. ACLs, meniscus, shoulder labrum/rotator cuff, hip labrum, carpal tunnel, bunions), joint fusions (spine), and fractures.

Spinal based conditions such as cervical/neck pain, upper/thoracic/lower back pain, sacroiliac dysfunction. Other spinal conditions we treat at Revolution Physical Therapy also include degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis of the spine, scoliosis, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, pinched nerves, and bulging discs.

Injuries associated with no-fault cases such as motor vehicle accidents and injuries that happened at work, related to worker’s compensation.

Neurological conditions such as post stroke, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and concussions. Gait and balance disorders due to diagnoses such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and vertigo.

Visit Us or Give Us a Call

115 W 30th Street Suite 502

New york, NY 10001

(631) 231-2394

Common Physical Therapy Conditions Treated FAQs

Physical therapy is more than just learning target exercises for rehabilitation after surgery or an injury. Physical therapists are movement specialists and at Revolution PT each of our Doctors of Physical Therapy approach your goals with a holistic approach that aims to help you achieve peak physical health.

If you are experiencing a condition we treat at Revolution PT you may benefit from the professional help of a Physical Therapist if you have pain that persists, you are ready to get back in the game after experiencing an injury, you want to maintain your current physical state and prevent injuries. Give Revolution Physical Therapy a call now to determine if Physical Therapy is right for you.

As movement specialists, Revolution PT’s therapists will complete an assessment to identify which muscles and/or tissues are experiencing weakness or stiffness. Physical Therapists will not only teach you skills to strengthen but will develop a personalized plan that will address your needs, whether they are to reduce pain and even improve your mobility and activities of daily living.

Physical therapy is important in the healing process as it promotes blood flow to the surgery site. Physical therapy helps the affected muscles strengthen and relieve pain/pressure on the joints.

Physical therapy is a critical tool in total body healing and overall mobility. It is also a crucial part of a patient’s rehabilitation plan before and after surgery.

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